Useful Links from IT Whizz

Hayes Village Association (HVA) Snow Friends

       Here is a link to the HVA Snow Friends web site where you can find information about joining them

Hayes Village Association (HVA) website

       Here is a link to the HVA web site where you can find information about the residents' association that covers BR2 7 post codes

Useful article about Linux

       This is a link to an article about using Linux
        (rather than the operating system that was provided with your PC)

How to Find the Right Printer For You

       This is a link to .pdf file about how best to go about finding the best printer for you.

How to Calibrate your laptop battery

       Here is a link to a good way to calibrate your laptop battery so that it has a longer life.

Files for Ludis Publications

Here is a link to some zipped better photos.
IT Whizz uses and recommends  Linux Mint 19 and Linux Mint Debian   Linux Mint fun icon        donor icon


If your PC was still working when XP support ended on 8th April 2014, you may prefer to use one of the Live CD/DVD list of Linux versions to see how you get on with it.
If you are happy using it then you can install Linux on your PC from the running Live version.

Another excellent system, is the ReactOS download, based on previous versions of Windows.
The open-source project started in 1996, as a Windows 95 clone, which was continued in 1998 with the gradual addition of features from later Windows versions.
As of November 2016 ReactOS is considered alpha software (i.e. still in early development); although it is missing some features, many Windows applications are already working with it (e.g. Adobe Reader 6.0, OpenOffice etc).